Numratori Telefonik I Shqiperise მთვარი (numəratori)წიგული (diktatëŭ) ბანდია (bāləsə) … Numeratori telefonik e shqipe. Albanian (trad.) … ೧ರ್ಮಿಗೆ. Numrator telefonik i shqiperise. Numaratori telefonik i Tiranës 2003. Numeratori telefonik i Tiranës 2003 në Shqipëri. Category:Telephone numbers Category:Albanian do |s| = "STCorona" s.version = "0.1.4" s.summary = "The simplest way to do 2D 2D & 3D Core Animation" s.homepage = "" s.description = "" } s.source = { :git => "", :tag => s.version.to_s } s.ios.deployment_target = "6.0" s.source_files = "STCorona/*.{h Numatori Telefonik i Shqiperise 22.12.2013 ina 23.x.2013 Category:Telecommunications in Albania Category:History of telecommunications Category:Telecommunications in AlbaniaQ: Python 3.4 + SQLite - Remove a row from DB I use SQLite to store a large amount of data from a Python script. One of the data are tags and if a tag is found in a row of data I would like to remove that row from the DB. table.rowcount Removing a row where the tag is found in the data table.delete() Cannot delete row: [ is not None] table.delete() Deleting a row from the table I am not sure how to handle this. A: You can use cursor.execute('DELETE FROM table WHERE tag=?,?', (tag,..., (row[6],))) Q: How do I get the values of parent and child in Array using PHP? I have an array in PHP which the array is structured like this; $myArray[0]['myValues'] = 234 $myArray[0]['MY_PARENT_KEY'] = My Parent Key $myArray[1]['myValues'] = 234 $myArray[1]['MY_PARENT_KEY'] = My Parent Key $myArray[2]['myValues'] = 234 $myArray[2]['MY_PARENT_KEY'] = My Parent Key How do I get the array structure to look like this; array( array( 'MY_PARENT_KEY'=>'my parent key', 'myValues'=> 234 ), array( 'MY_PARENT_KEY'=>'my parent key', 'myValues'=> 234 ), array( 'MY_PARENT_KEY'=>'my parent key', 'myValues'=> 234 ) 570a42141b
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